1. Anunt Preselectie (RO)
Societatea CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identificata prin CUI: RO29890071, Nr. Registrul Comertului: J40/2658/2012, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Str. Costisa, Nr.19, Ap.2, Sector 6,
beneficiara a unui proiect de Ajutor de Stat, sub rezerva clauzei suspensive de identificare a fondurilor de cofinantare, solicita firmelor interesate transmiterea ofertelor de intentie pentru achizitionarea unei linii tehnologice completa pentru productia de folie expandata ( pee ), cu urmatoarele caracteristici tehnice:
- Capacitate productie: 80 kg/h
- Grosime produs finit: 0.5mm – 15mm
- Latime produs finit: 1000mm – 2000mm
- Viteza linie de productie: 10-120 m/min
Ofertele preliminare – care vor cuprinde: scrisoare de intentie, Certificat Constatator si o scurta descriere a companiei cu activitatea de profil din ultimii doi ani, pot fi transmise cel taziu pana la data de 27.04.2022, la adresa de email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro si sau la adresa societatii: Str. Ciobanului, Nr.77-79, Hala A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Detalii suplimentare, Dna. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro
Informatii si la www.cmdprofessional.ro
Postat la data 15.04.2022
1. Pre-selection announcement (EN)
The company CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identified by CUI: RO29890071, No. Trade Register: J40/2658/2012, with address in Bucharest, Str. Costisa, No.19, Ap.2, 6th Sector,
the beneficiary of a State Aid project, subject to the suspensive clause identifying the co-financing founds, requests to the interested companies the transmission of the intention offers for the acquisition of a complete technological line for the production of expanded foil ( pee ), with the following technical characteristics:
- Production capacity: 80 kg / h
- Finished product thickness: 0.5mm – 15mm
- Finished product width: 1000mm – 2000mm
- Production line speed: 10-120 m / min
Preliminary offers – which will include: letter of intention, Certificate of the Company and a brief description of the company with the profile activity of the last two years, should be sent at the latest until 27th of April 2022 , to the email address: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro, and/or to the adress of the company: Str. Ciobanului, No.77-79, Warehouse A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Additional details Ms. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro
Information at www.cmdprofessional.ro
Posted on 15.04.2022
2. Anunt Preselectie (RO)
Societatea CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identificata prin CUI: RO29890071, Nr. Registrul Comertului: J40/2658/2012, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Str. Costisa, Nr.19, Ap.2, Sector 6,
beneficiara a unui proiect de Ajutor de Stat, sub rezerva clauzei suspensive de identificare a fondurilor de cofinantare, solicita firmelor interesate transmiterea ofertelor de intentie pentru consultanta completa de management de proiect pentru implementarea proiectului de ajutor de stat in vederea realizarii unei unitati de productie de folie expandata (pee).
Ofertele preliminare – care vor cuprinde: scrisoare de intentie, Certificat Constatator si o scurta descriere a companiei cu activitatea de profil,precum si a managerului de proiect propus (CV + activitate profesionala), pot fi transmise cel taziu pana la data de 27.04.2022, la adresa de email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro si sau la adresa societatii: Str. Ciobanului, Nr.77-79, Hala A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Detalii suplimentare, Dna. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro
Informatii si la www.cmdprofessional.ro
Postat la data 15.04.2022
2. Pre-selection announcement (EN)
The company CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identified by CUI: RO29890071, No. Trade Register: J40/2658/2012, with address in Bucharest, Str. Costisa, No.19, Ap.2, 6th Sector,
the beneficiary of a State Aid project, subject to the suspensive clause identifying the co-financing founds, requests the interested companies to send the intention offers for the complete project management consultancy for the implementation of the state aid project in order to realize an expanded foil production unit (pee).
Preliminary offers – which will include: letter of intent, Finding Certificate and a brief description of the company with the profile activity, as well as of the proposed project manager (CV + professional activity), can be sent no later than 27.04.2022 , to the email address: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro and or to the company address: Str. Ciobanului, Nr.77-79, Hall A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Additional details, Ms. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro
Information also at www.cmdprofessional.ro
Posted on 15.04.2022
3. Anunt Preselectie (RO)
Societatea CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identificata prin CUI: RO29890071, Nr. Registrul Comertului: J40/2658/2012, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Str. Costisa, Nr.19, Ap.2, Sector 6,
beneficiara a unui proiect de Ajutor de Stat, sub rezerva clauzei suspensive de identificare a fondurilor de cofinantare, solicita firmelor interesate transmiterea ofertelor de intentie pentru Construirea unei Hale de productie folie expandata (pee).
Sistemul constructiv al Halei este propus integral cu structura metalica, fundatii si placa de sol din beton armat, inchideri din panouri sandwich metalice, tamplarie PVC si acoperis de tip sarpanta in doua ape paralele pe directia lunga a constructiei. Suprafata construita propusa este de ~ 776 mp cu regim de inaltime Parter, dimensiuni maxime ~42,50 m x ~22,50 m, forma neregulata, alcatuita in principiu cu 3 deschideri si 9 travei. Organizarea interioara este propusa cu compartimentari din panouri sandwich metalice / panouri sandwich gips-carton / zidarie caramida portanta pentru depozitare materii prime / produs finit, spatiu de productie, birou + oficiu + vestiar si grupuri sanitare, spatii tehnice, dotata cu instalatii sanitare, termoventilatii si electrice.
In incinta amplasamentului de 3.800 mp sunt propuse urmatoarele amenajari exterioare: platforme carosabile pentru trafic greu ~ 2.017 mp, trotuare si rampe perimetrale halei ~ 173 mp, platforma GPL pentru 2 rezervoare de 5.000 litri fiecare ~ 45 mp, imprejmuire cu porti de acces ~ 278 ml, precum si retele exterioare de utilitati cu montarea ingropata a unui bazin vidanjabil si a unui bazin retentie ape pluviale.
Ofertele preliminare – care vor cuprinde: scrisoare de intentie, Certificat Constatator si o scurta descriere a companiei cu activitatea de profil din ultimii cinci ani si cu proiectele implementate, pot fi transmise cel taziu pana la data de 04.05.2022, la adresa de email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro si sau la adresa societatii: Str. Ciobanului, Nr.77-79, Hala A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Detalii suplimentare, Dna. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro .
Informatii si la www.cmdprofessional.ro
Postat la data 15.04.2022
3. Pre-selection announcement (EN)
The company CMD PROFESSIONAL CONCEPT SRL, identified by CUI: RO29890071, No. Trade Register: J40/2658/2012, with address in Bucharest, Str. Costisa, No.19, Ap.2, 6th Sector,
the beneficiary of a State Aid project, subject to the suspensive clause identifying the co-financing founds, requests the interested companies to send the offers of intent for the Construction of an expanded foil production hall (pee).
The construction system of the Hall is proposed entirely with metal structure, foundations and reinforced concrete floor slab, metal sandwich panel enclosures, PVC joinery and gable roof in two parallel waters on the long direction of construction. The proposed built area is ~ 776 sqm with ground floor height, maximum dimensions ~ 42.50 m x ~ 22.50 m, irregular shape, consisting in principle with 3 openings and 9 beams. The interior organization is proposed with partitions of metal sandwich panels / gypsum-cardboard sandwich panels / masonry load-bearing brick for storage of raw materials / finished product, production space, office + office + locker room and bathrooms, technical spaces, equipped with plumbing, thermal ventilation and electrical.
The following exterior arrangements are proposed inside the 3,800 sqm site: road platforms for heavy traffic ~ 2,017 sqm, sidewalks and perimeter ramps of the hall ~ 173 sqm, LPG platform for 2 tanks of 5,000 liters each ~ 45 sqm, fencing with access gates ~ 278 ml, as well as external utility networks with the buried installation of a drainable basin and a rainwater retention basin.
Preliminary offers – which will include: letter of intent, Certificate of Finding and a brief description of the company with the profile activity of the last five years and with the implemented projects, can be sent no later than 04.05.2022, to the email address: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro and or at the company address: Str. Ciobanului, Nr.77-79, Hall A4, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov.
Additional details, Ms. Delia Beldiman, email: delia.balaban@cmdprofessional.ro.
Information also at www.cmdprofessional.ro
Posted on 15.04.2022